Sitting is the new smoking....
It is common knowledge the effects that smoking and tobacco products cause: increase risk of cancer, cardiovascular conditions and shortened life expectancy, just to name a few. We also know that quitting smoking and tobacco use can reverse some of these conditions and allow us to achieve better health. What if I told you that most of these very same conditions can be associated with sitting for long periods throughout the day?
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 15.5% of Americans currently smoke. Luckily, that number has continued to decrease in the last 10 years. But how many of us spend most of the day sitting? The large majority of us live a sedentary lifestyle. Whether that be at work or when we get home. How many of us take a break at work to stretch or take a short walk? How many of us go to the gym before or after work to stay fit and healthy? How many of us ask their bosses for a stand-up desk? How many of us have had their posture analyzed to see where we can improve?
All of these questions are simple and can be addressed easily. All it takes is you. When are we going to stop making excuses for our lifestyle and realize that our health begins with us? I challenge everyone to make a conscious effort to take those breaks at work. To park in the back of the parking lot. To get off the couch and go to the gym. To take the family for a walk or bike ride.
These small changes can lead to a healthier and happier you.